Warm Up to These Workplace Design Ideas!


When the temperature drops, many of us take steps to make our homes cozier as we to settle into wait for the season to change. While some of the steps we take are logistical, such as sealing air leaks, adding insulation or adjusting thermostat settings, there are often also design concepts to consider that will make you feel right at home. Most of these approaches can also be integrated into the workplace to create a comfortable environment that promotes productivity while also encouraging team members to settle in.

Here are a few simple tips to help transform your workplace into a winter haven for employees and executives alike:

  • Give your workplace a fresh coat of paint. Earth tones are warm and inviting, creating a cozy workplace environment that pairs perfectly with both warm and cool tones, allowing you to swap out seasonal design pieces like area rugs and throw pillows.

  • Incorporate fabric couches and chairs into common areas is a good step towards workable seasonality. The material doesn’t absorb cold (or hot) weather, allowing employees to feel right at home in the office. If you want to add a playful touch, add throw blankets for your team to wrap up in during downtime.

  • Introduce softer lighting solutions. Minimizing glaring light can reduce visual strain and fatigue while also creating a calming atmosphere. The best lighting solution available, is natural light. If your space has the windows to accommodate, let the sun shine in!

  • Give your office some greenery. Plant life is good for the soul. Green spaces promote feelings of positivity and satisfaction while also improving quality of air. It’s a win/win! 

These are just a few of many simple design ideas that will help your workplace not only beat the winter blues, but heat up business in the process!


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